Tuesday, March 27, 2007

such great heights

i'm dropping my religion class. i dont care if i have another withdrawal on my transcript. i think that the grad schools would much rather see that i withdrew and ask me to explain. in which i say that i realized i was going to fail the class and therefore made the decision to back out gracefully.

kind of awkward earlier...i was studying outside by campus commons and it got too loud so i moved around to the steps by one of the humanities buildings so i could focus. and i totally forgot that's where my lit prof chills before class. so halfway into my pack of cigarettes & daisy miller, a study i hear:

"you know you're slowly committing suicide."

i glance up and who is it but my prof. whatever. but...i do credit her with the line of the day. because when it comes down to it, aren't we all slowly killing ourselves...be it through somthing as simple as relaxing outside in the sunlight (leading to melanoma) or breathing in pollution (leading to lung cancer) or consuming products that might not be the best for us (heart attacks, morbid obesity, diabetites, etc) or being in a stressful situation (ulcers, heart attacks, strokes).

goal for tonight-- have a draft of my lit paper emailed out by 3am. totally doable.

if that gets done...maybe start packing or making my list for what i need to bring home for passover.

added bonus of getting a farly decent draft done tonight....tim kuhn photoshoot tomorow afternoon!!! heck yes!!!

...its cuz we're cute like that!

god...i love caffene.

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