Sunday, March 4, 2007

all they ever do is talk

tonight's blog post comes from earlimart... southern california band. "all they ever do is talk" is on their treble & tremble album. check them out.

today sucked. big time. stacy shot me another email and yeah..shit is not going well over there. all i want to do is be there with her and actually do somthing to stop the genocide. but i'm not. which sucks.

i told my dad that i might bail on vermont this summer and just go over to chad and work in the refugee camps (the sudanese government is blocking all aid workers from entering the country so all organizations are working on the chad-sudan border but that doesnt mean its any safer). he was pretty heated to say the least. and when i thought had hung up...i hadnt. and went into my friends room and bitched about how fucked up he was being. by the time i realized that i hadnt hung was 5 minutes later and i was back in my room. so i hung up and 30 seconds later got a call back from him saying that he heard the whole thing. whoops.

so now dad is pissed at me. whatever. i dont care. i am always going to have a very weird relationship with him because of my past. he has never been a father to me and now we are/were on somewhat good terms. but we are always going to be touch & go.

but i really want to go to darfur this summer. i know its incredably stupid but i cannont NOT do somthing this time.

and i got absolutly no work done today on my exams. i dont think i'm sleeping till thursday. whoops. and friday i'm driving home. back into the shitshow.

....i love how this week is sucking sooo bad and its only sunday

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