Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

yeah ive resorted to using old song lyrics for titles. suck it...i just wrote a 5 page paper on social commentary literature and finished my lit midterm. what did you do? yeah...thats what i thought.

it's really pretty down here today. this morning before it got too hot we took ron's boat out on the intercoastal. she obviously cant drive it anymore but i dont mind doing it. i love being out on the water. nanny just sat up front, where she always used to and pointed out everything...

"did you see the marina we just passed?"
"yes nanny..."
"suzie used to work there, didnt she?"
"yeah for a few summers"

i think me being here is helping. she seems less confused. last night before she went to bed, she sat out on the balcony with me for a while and we just enjoyed the night air. as i looked around, she still had my and my little brother's coloring book drawings framed and hung in the exact same places. these were no masterpieces, i assure you, but they were still proudly displayed right next to her cassat and van gogh prints. i remember going over there when i was a kid, running in the door, straight to the balcony, only to be presented with a brand new coloring book and set of crayons. even now...whenever i feel sick or whatever i go to the store and buy a coloring book and crayons. the mindless coloring is really soothing. i love how even when i was 4 i was completly OCD about staying in the lines.

old habits die hard i guess.

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