Monday, March 26, 2007


i just got back from my first ever tim kuhn photoshoot! it was an absolutly perfect end to a shitty day. tim is one of the only true friends i have here. he's the kind of person who will never judge you or hold anything against you. and he'll tell you youre beautiful even when you feel and look like death on a triscut. not to mention he's an amazing photographer.

we ended up walking over to baker park and taking nighttime pics and just talking. i love walking around at night. it was really cool to see the cool shadowing i could get. recently, ive been playing around with the ideas of negative space and the contrast between light and dark so i was able to snap some pretty nice shots. we're gonna go back wednesday in the early evening to see what we can do...maybe head over to the graveyard.

is it bad that i love graveyards. i have this strange fasination with the dead, the undead and their histories. i think that by going to a graveyard, the spirits of those who lie there will seep into you and teach you...somthing. i dont know what. but definatly somthing.

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