Sunday, April 15, 2007

surfing on a rocket

So after everything that happened this week, I decided it was time for a change so I dyed my hair. Yeah, I dye my hair a lot but when I do somthing as drastic as I did today, it's usually to mark a new period in my life. And drastic it was. I went from a medium blonde with bleached out highlights to deep, cool tone brown. Aside from it being a little streaky so I'm going to have to fix it later in the week, I really like it. I was really unsure about it at first...I mean it was a big change and kind of an end of an era for me. I went blonde right after Sarah and I ended it for good. Before that, auburn and medium red highlights after losing in November. Being about to change my hair color is good for me. In a way, it helps me make a fresh start.

When I went blonde, I had just gotten out of a relationship that was doomed from the begining. I was stressed out, strung out and needed to start over. After Linda's race went down the shitter, I needed to become someone else. Hence the red. doesn't work for me. I'm not confident enough to pull it off.

But hopefully with brunette, I can finally stop being seen as the cuteish blonde chic and nothing more. I'd like to be known for somthing other than my appearence, fuck you very much.

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