Monday, April 23, 2007

so long, so long

It's 5:33am and I just finished my terrorism paper on the Chechen situation. I have to's not bad. I mean, for one of my papers, it's well-organized, coheriant, somewhat intelligent, snarky and very much chocked full of facts. But desipte having to cite nearly every other sentence, it still sounds like a "Lilith paper". Like, you can tell I wrote it. I mean, I really did try to remain completly unbiased but MAN it did not work towards the end. Or...maybe it did? I mean, I went off pretty harshly on either side for their egregious human rights abuses and their respective internal disputes that are only prepetuating the conflict further. Regardless, it feels really good to have it done. Especially since it's worth 25% of my grade in that class and the prof doesn't accept late work without a REALLY good excuse (somthing along the lines of an actual death in the family-->pending her reciept of the death certificate, that is).

But, this week is going to be another toughie. I have to run over to the health department at some point to pick up the permit for the College Dems bakesale Wednesday. How stupid is that...the fact that we need to get a permit to sell freaking brownies or whatever? Ugh...people need to stop making everything so rediculous.

And I have my bibliography with my secondary source list due for lit on Thursday...meaning I need to have a rough draft by Friday because the actual paper is due a week from Thursday. Shit.

And next week I have two book reviews for my terrorism class and the other in international relations. It would help if I maybe...I dont know...started ACTUALLY reading the books. Yeah...that might work. I know, it's a novel idea, but I'm in the mood to try somthing different and actually read my course texts for once.

But forget about next week, Tuesday morning I have a proposal due in newswriting for my feature. The feature that I have no idea about the topic yet. I'm probably just going to end up doing a charactor profile of someone...maybe Jailbait. I mean, the kid's 16 and already a rising junior in college. It's man. How the hell is the little fucker three years younger than me but still two years my academic senior?

Ugh...I hate that I do this...bitch about my workload. I have no more nor less work than anyone else here. We're in college...we need to grow a set and stop complaining. Cuz lets be honist...

it's not supposed to be easy.

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