Monday, April 16, 2007

blood red summer

I don't deal well with complements. And I have no idea how to react to them. I don't know if they're sincere or what.

So it's understandable when this guy that I worked with last summer IMed me out of the blue and starts complementing me. It actually made me really uncomfortable. I mean, the guy and I were friends over the summer but it was always kind of weird cuz I'm a year younger then him but technically I was his boss. But I guess because we were so close in age it just made sence that we'd hang out.

But, check this out...he called me gorgeous. Like multiple times. I just dont know how to take that. I'm not even what you'd concider to be pretty. I mean...I've never been the pretty one. The smart one, the political one, the creative one....but never has anything complementary been said about my appearance. And I'm fine with that. I'm the kind of person, I'd much rather be known for somthing other than being just another pretty face.

So it's understandable that I'm kind of like WTF now.

I dont know how to tell if he's sincere or not. And I dont know where this came from. I mean, is it a newfound revolation or did he think i was gorgeous over the summer? If he thought this back then, why didn't he act on it? I'm actually really shy at work...the one place I should be intimidating I'm not at all...and I come off as being really approachable. So why didn't he?

I dont know. This is why I can't deal with guys my own age. They never know what they want.

Except all guys are like this and never grow up.

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