Saturday, May 5, 2007

we don't care

SPRING PARTIES WEEKEND!!!!!!!!'s the Friday night spiel (and by Friday night I mean, Friday after 2pm till around 5am when I pass the fuck out)...

I texted the Marine a few times yesterday, seeing if he wanted to chill or drink with me and my friends. Didn't get anything back from him at all. I didn't think anything of it, I mean whatever. It's totally his perrogative if he wants to hang out with me or not. I'm not that fun most of the time, but when we talked (and he WAS sober when we did), he played it off like he really was into me and was looking forward to us hanging out.

But I didn't really care. My girl, Elise, and I ended up taking a nap on the quad for a while. Beautiful days should not be spent inside, under any circomstance. So we took our cigarettes and a blanked out and just relaxed. We ended up getting Fro (regardless of if he still has the massive thing on his head anymore or not, the child will always be Fro to me) to pick us up some beer and mikes. God. I love mikes. I know they're little bitch drinks but when you dont want to get fucked out of your mind, theyre good. So Elise and I drank a bit. Just a bit. I swear. And we headed over to the Smith party. Whatever. I was completly fucked so I didn't care at all...cuz I don't dance sober.

It was chill I guess. But then Elise, Corlee and I ended up going to Irish's room for some more beers ( we were starting to sober up ) and who is there...but MARINE!!!!!!! And he is all the fuck over this other whore. Whatever. So I did the typical chic thing and tried to make him jelous. I actually think it worked out in my favor though. I met his friend, Mark (what is it with me and guys with M names?). Mark is 28 and an econ major, coming back to school after working for a while. He's smart as fuck too. I had to run back to my room for somthing and he came with and he saw where I had my books open from studying for Lit and he started (drunkenly) trying to discuss Poe's Theory of Composition with me. Sigh. Intelligence, for me, is the biggest turn-on.

And today is Spring Parties outdoor fest, Cinco De Mayo and Derby Day! So I'm legally obliged to have my Cosmos, my Jose and my Mojitos. God, I love having drinks for every holiday...every event.

....its ok cuz I'm a rockstar!

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