Friday, May 11, 2007

ghost of a good thing

Every moment brings me closer to having to leave here and the amazing people who have helped keep me alive over the past nine months...

I find it only fitting to show my eternal gratitude. As not to embarass names. And the numbers, they're not in order of the person's importance to me but are purely being used for organizational purposes.

1. At first I could not stand you. I thought you to be disinterested and fake. Thankfully, you proved me wrong. You have such a vivacious spirit and I love how much you have taught me, in every sence of the word. I know I make it really hard to deal with me sometimes and I've given you the option of leaving or stepping back...and as of now you haven't. Please don't.

2. You kind of freaked me out when you started talking to me over the summer. But, as your chipperness grew on me, I started to see you as a fair counterpoint to my eternal cynicism. You are so strong and although you sometimes get frusturated, you never give up. I love how I can really be myself around you.

3. Your room was, admittidly, the party room this year. But you're more than the person who goes and gets destroyed every night. You're smart and can deal with anything.... even though you dont see it.

4. You scare me. Not that I mind the shock, but just the fact that you can read me. I don't know what you're doing, but keep it up. You are going to be such an amazing therapist.

5. My hall parent! Even though we don't hang out as much as we did earlier this year and had some pretty nasty fights, you never stopped caring. You aren't afraid to challenge me and call me out when I get an attitude. I need that sometimes.

6. Thanks for not shaving my head. In retrospect, it would have been a bad idea to go around with a mowhalk, despite what the vodka bottle is telling me.

7. I met you at the counter to the anti-life rally and we've stayed tight since. You don't care about my flaws and sit with me when I need to act upon them...thank you.

8.Your bearhugs are amazing. I am so proud of you for making it this far. You've hit rock but you're bouncing back now. Keep going...things can only get better from here.

9. Thank you for dragging me to IVCF. Even though I realized really quicky that it wasn't my thing, you made me start thinking about religion as a whole again. I just wish you would accept that I need to come to somthing as profound as God in my own way, in my own time and on my own terms. I admire how devout you are though, it takes a lot to put your trust in somthing to the extent you have.

10. You are simply amazing. The compassion you bring to the world is somthing very few people can handle; whether it's running water out to the landscapers working in the sun or making sure everyone is going to class and doing their work, you always put everyone else before yourself. Take some time this summer and focus on YOU for once, you diserve it lovley.

11. I met you my very first day here last August. I was trying to figure out how to hang posters and not have my walls look extremely cluttered. When we realized it just wasn't going to happen, your artistic prowess helped me make some pretty tough decorating decisions. Thanks for being my color're absolutly rediculous and please don't ever change.

12. You are fierce. Your eliteism and sence of entitlement is a refreshing change from a place where everyone is concerned with the fate of the common man. Although we don't always see eye to eye, I'm really glad to have had the opportunity to take my first flaming shot with you.

13. Swizzle in. Swagger out. 'Nuff said.

14. Having you in two of my classes this semester has done wonders for me. I can't stand you as a person, but having you there to challenge me, constantly trying to out-do me has made me such a stronger person. You've made me cry, throw textbooks across rooms, punch walls and scream but because of your constant berating presence, I know I can deal with the PoliSci program here.

15. I didn't think we'd become as close as we are now...actually you kind of intimidated me when I first saw you. You're stunningly beautiful, inside and out. If any one of us is going to change the world, it's you.

---Alright people, now I'm starting to get all sad and stuff. Be good this summer and I'd better see you all in August. Seriously. Stay safe. I don't know if I could deal with being here for however long it takes to get my degree done without you.


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