Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Augh! Finals week begins tomorrow!!!!!!!

Today was the fantastic day known to all Hoodies as "Reading Day". Basically, admin realized we're gonna need a day between the last day of classes and exams to get ourself together. During last semester, I spent Reading Day watching CNN and studying for my one exam (Environmental Problems and Policy). I took a walk down to Baker Park and just relaxed. This semester though, not quite so much.

I met with my study group for American Lit at 10 over in campus commons. WE DIDNT FINISH STUDYING TILL 8:30!!! I guess we were very...thorough...at least. It wasn't that bad, I mean, I guess it showed me what I needed to still work on. Honistly, I was feeling pretty confident about my AmLit exam to begin with so now there really will be no excuse for me not to rock out on it (lest a hideous mental block). Although though studying with my friends let me see how well I know the material...and just the fact that i was able to explain the parts they didn't understand to them showed me that, despite thinking I was drowning in that class all semester, I actually did absorb somthing.

Aside from that though, today has been kind of weird. One of my best friends is being sent off to Iraq. Alex and I grew up literally next door to each other....we have the same birthday. We were born at the same hospital twelve hours apart (I'm older). He's one of my people. As we got older, he became the popular kid and we didn't really chill much. But, I knew I could always call him. I did too haha. Alex has seen me at my absolute worst and has never judged. He's the guy who will be there for you, regardless of the situation. Which is why I wasn't all together suprised when he joined the Marines. All the guy wanted to do was help. Dont get me wrong, I'm proud as hell to have Alex as a friend and I know other people over in Iraq/Afghanistan now so I can cope...but every time I hear one more life has been lost over there, now I'm going to have to memorize another unit name and pray I don't see it listed under those missing a member...pending notification of their next of kin, of course.

My boys need to stop running away from me...

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