Wednesday, May 30, 2007

blind, movies for the

While I was relaxing between two of my classes today, I started thumbing through the local newspaper. Nothing particularaly out of the ordanary was presented. In fact, the paper proved itself to be the truely sterile product of my town, as I had always suspected it to be.

Anyways, about three quarters of the way down the classifieds page there was an ad for a jewelry repair shop. Quite typical of the services generally advertised but this one caulght my eye. It read "Don't cry. We'll repair it." And while I do not need any of my jewelry fixed, I tore it out anyways.

And then I started thinking how fantastic it would be if there was always someone telling us "don't cry. We'll repair it." regardless of what needs fixing.

I think more than anything right now I need one of those guys. The eternal handyman (or handywoman...let's be p.c. now) to help make everything as it was before.

Today just has been sucking. My polisci prof found it appropriate to chew me out in front of the entire class for disagreeing with him. I'm really sorry Dr. F if you're still stuck back in the 1800s and think having women in your class is useless. With this man, it's almost as if women's lib never happened. But at least the material is somewhat amusing, if not moreso after being degrated in front of thirty seven other students. Whatever. It's not like I had any self-resepect to begin with.

And then I come home to find out that my brother was suspended from school. Again. Apparantly he was texting someone during his 9th period class trying to buy some pot. Whoops. But now I have to not only deal with him underfoot for the next few days (when I have two workshop pieces, a chem writeup and a Latin text to work on) but also deal with the early intervention drug programs again. Meaning finding a place that will take him and either ferrying him back and forth or finding a residential program. And let's not forget about the family sessions. Threapy and I do not work well together, even under the best of circomstances. Even though it's not even about me this time, I'm still going to be broken down in those sessions. I really don't have the strength to put up with that again. And what sucks even more is that I know I'm going to be blamed for my brother getting busted.

Once the fuckup, always the fuckup I guess.

1 comment:

Sandi with an *i* said...

It would be nice if you could find a repairman/woman like that... I could use one right about now