Monday, April 30, 2007


This is going to count as my break for tonight. Because. Because I have a freaking list of what I need to get done tonight. A LIST!!!!!!!

Tonight I must:
-finish all notecard analysis of journal articles and primary texts for American Lit paper...and finish writing the actual paper
-write a newsworthy, publishable interview story
-start finding quotes for International Relations book review
-create study sheets and organize all notes and such for Terrorism written exam study group
-pick topic and outline feature story

It really doesn't look like that much. I'm just stressing. I mean, the copious amounts of caffene in my system can't be helping with the stress level...just with keeping me awake.

How pathetic is it that I need to schedule time to sleep? Seriously man. At least I don't have lit tomorow so I can steal an hour of blissful rest...

If anything, that will be what keeps me going through tomorow. Ugh. I think everyone is feeling the advent of Hell Week...hence the widespead bitch fever that hit campus earlier today.

Whatever. It's times like these where we become extremly thankful God invented cigarettes, redbull and stackers.

Just keep the sharp objects out of my reach this week and we'll be fine. Or just don't let them hit lower than the elbows and we got this one wrapped up.

Two weeks than no more Hood drama for three months. Just home drama. Which, at least I know is all my fault (and it'll give me some good anger to get out).

1 comment:

**** said...

too much red bull, cigarettes and stackers is bad for you