Saturday, July 7, 2007

all that heaven will allow

I usually don't believe my horoscope verbatium...but this is too perfect not to share:

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Staying at home today might not be as relaxing as you think, for the day is filled with excitement no matter what you do. Instead of trying to withdraw from the action, engage it head on. By involving yourself voluntarily, you'll end up feeling more connected to everyone involved. And even if you try to detach yourself from what's going on, you'll still get pulled into the day's events, so why fight it?

I think, maybe even moreso, because today I'm going to be volunteering at Live Earth. My excitement is like woah. Better then Christmas, Hanakuah, my birthday, graduation and Election Day all in one. Pictures and a full wrapup of teh goings-on in the next few days.

1 comment:

Amrita said...

horoscopes are for hopeless people, I 'm glad you don 't go in for them. here in India we have then at the drop of a even have animals and birds telling your future. Our lives are in the hand of our Creator.