Monday, October 22, 2007

hair dye fumes and cotton candy fingers

I just don't care anymore. No regrets from this point on... because in the moment... I was doing EXACTLY what I wanted.

Mother came down this past weekend. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Friday night we just went down to DC for good Ethiopian and ended up meeting Phil & Kim for drinks. It was actually really great seeing P&K... they've both been so busy with HillaryWorld'08 that we haven't had a chance to get together in a while. I think Phil is finally coming to terms with me being a position of influence and power within the political realm. Yeah I'm not quite 20 but I'm senior staff on a competitive congressional race and am known for being nothing short of ruthless. BooYah.

Anyways, Saturday we just shopped. I almost feel bad for my mom because when it comes to clothes and shopping and such, she's so positively clueless and ends up dating herself by either dressing too matronly or way too young. She doesnt have a bad body or anything. I mean, she's not ugly or fat... she just has no idea how to dress. Oh well.

I'm becoming a dark brunette right now. I decided it was time for a change...

1 comment:

Amrita said...

you just can 't tell your mom what to wear, they will wear what they like, mine does.