Friday, February 29, 2008

the sun will always rise...

I think today is the start of a new era. I finally had the talk with school Mike. Or rather, I was slightly tipsy and went over to his place. We chill and then we talked. About everything. And... I think it's going to be ok. As much as I don't want to believe it right now, Mike and I can never be together. He's looking for love, not lust.. as he put it. And I'm too insane. And too... I think we honestly deserve being more than each other's last option. It's not healthy for me, or fair to him, to keep looking back on whatever he and I were doing for a while. Even though it's going to suck pretty bad for a while... it's just one of those things I'm going to have to deal with. And... maybe I need to just take some time off boys for a while. I need to start focusing on myself and fixing myself before I can even begin even postulating being in a healthy relationship with someone. I need to commit to making serious changes. Not just so I can maybe someday be with someone and not completely self-destruct but also... I need to stop being complacent with the situation I've created for myself. There has to be more than this...


Anonymous said...

there is.

Amrita said...

lust can never satisfy you. Go for true love and faithfulness