Tuesday, February 26, 2008

beyond the sun

I basically failed the bio exam I had today. I just don't get it. As much as I study for that class, I can't get into it. And whatever info I do retain, I can only regurgitate. Barely. Seriously, I could not even tell you how a cell works or whatever I was supposed to "learn" in the first four chapters.

I'm really furious with Mike. I think I'm once again realizing that I'm not even a friend to him. I'm just something for him to stick his dick in. Which isn't the best situation for me. I'm worth so much more than that. I think it's just the idea of him that still gets to me. The hope that one day (or night or whenever) he sees me, he'll realize that I'm the only one who actually cares about him and will always be there for him. The whole bloody thing pisses me off though.

Let's just take a moment and revel in the ultimate amazingness of PB&J on whole wheat. I just had one. And it makes me happy. Probably happier than it should. But... I guess that's ok.

My foreign policy class... we have an exam on Thursday. I'm not worried. It's foreign policy. I actually know this crap. And we're studying tomorrow night. By we, I mean CC, Dave, Hardman & I are gonna sit around and drill for an hour and joke off for three. Which is awesome. I really do love my boys. Dave needs to get over this cold though. Seriously, he's been sick for two weeks and seems so miserable. But... being sick is never fun so whatever.

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