Sunday, November 11, 2007

light pollution

Yesterday was a pretty good day. All together, entirely unproductive (aside from dusting the bookshelf and clearing the clutter off my desk), but fun nonetheless. I didn't intend to not work on my honours paper or revise my short story or read for philosophy... but I guess the glorious autumnal air decided it was not in the cards.

I ended up going to Starbucks with friends and discussing... everything ranging from the prevalence of spirituality in contemporary society to the potential effect of Norman Mailer's death on the 'serious novel'... for the better part of the afternoon. I really do appreciate days like that. Good conversation over coffee with two of the more genuine people I know can never be a bad thing.

The new garcon came over last evening. We were sending each other text messages all day, about the most random things and he said he wanted to see my cute face lol. He comes over and my roommate Ashley, her boyfriend, new boy and I end up taking a celebratory shot of vodka for Ash's 20th birthday. I think that kind of helped break the ice. As bad as it is to say, I think that helped me and new boy get more comfortable. It really was the first time he and I hung out alone and had a chance to get to know each other. He really is a nice person, very intelligent, planning on going to law school (as if that really matters). And he brought up the ex-girlfriend situation, which I thought was very risky of him. Turns out, he had been having some pretty intense second thoughts about seeing her and decided to break it off when he realized it wasn't working. That kind of put my mind at ease, I guess. I didn't want to be the reason he broke up with her. I'm not that girl, nor do I want to be. He asked me about Messiah formal which is this coming Saturday and wants to go with me. I think that will be fun, not only to go with him but to have a date. I don't mind just going with a bunch of friends but it is kind of awkward when we're taking pictures and dancing if everyone else has a boy with them. I know I don't need one, but it's like a new pair of shoes... just a nice thing to have.


I stole the caution tape.
Obnoxiously yellow against the charred Earth,
its plastic body leaving behind a faint trail of droplets
as a rare reminder of my indiscretions.

Maybe as a testament to piracy
or my need to amalgamate myself to your growing freedom.

Caution. We’re on dangerous ground.
Both unfinished

Transcending all we know
on our own construction site.
Self-contractors creating the illusion of a future.

Or continuity.

Caution. We’re on dangerous ground.
There’s a hazard in our building
within the cracked brick and termite-laden brownstone.

precise landfills
drop beyond the realms of consciousness.

The fear of falling into you
and collapsing into your hidden darkness.


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