Thursday, June 12, 2008

migranes suck

I'm pretty sure all the aggrivation my parents are giving me over doing ROTC is making me physically sick. I passed out running this morning and now I'm dizzy and migraney and cant keep anything down. It's just another way for them to try to sabotague me. Assholes. Whatever. They can't stop me from doing this. I've already told the cadre to disregard anything from either of them sent on my behalf. They have no legal power over me and I'm not going to let them fuck with my life anymore.

That being said, my dad is completly blowing this out of proportion. Father's Day is Sunday and he said straight up he doesn't want me there. I mean REALLY dude... that's just not cool. And I don't want to leave for LTC with him pissed at me, but if that's the case then so be it.

1 comment:

Amrita said...

Don 't worry go ahead girl.