Wednesday, April 9, 2008

here we go again...

My brother is going to jail. I don't care. He put himself there. Moron. Seriously... I have no sympathy for people like him.

It's almost the end of the semester. I'm basically over it. I don't want to leave Hood. A lot of my friends are graduating and I just realized how weird it's going to be without them here next year. And I'm not even going to be around campus much next semester because I got my apartment on Market St. So when I'm not in class, I'm going to be working or at home or not at Hood. Honestly, I'm kind of scared. This is going to be the first time I'll be living all on my own, no roommates or anything. It should be a good learning experience, if anything.

I'm going back to NJ in a couple of weeks to see everyone. I don't even know why I bother. I never actually WANT to go, but do so out of sheer guilt. And maybe to show off a little. I mean, I'm the one who's doing it all on their own: college, jobs, bills, life. And I'm not doing too bad. Sure, I slip up and party once and a while, but find me a 20 year old who DOESNT party and I'll be impressed. I'm not perfect, but I sort of maybe kind of have things under control. I'm working, everything is paid for (tuition, car, rent for the summer and next year, random assortment of bills), I'm not doing too badly in any of my classes (except for a C in biology...) and I'm not preggers. That's more than I can say for a lot of people my age.

I really really want it to be warm already. It's mid-April and I'm still leaving my room with a jacket or hoodie most days. No bueno!!! I want to be able to break out my warm-weather clothes. Hopefully it'll be warm this weekend though... I really just want to run all day Saturday. Maybe go up to the woods and hike/run.

I don't know what's going on with my knee. It's fine to run on, but my doctors keep telling me not to. But it doesn't hurt. I don't know. It'll probably start bothering me once I slow down and let it.

But like that's ever going to happen.


Flare said...


Pain is normally the key on exercise injury - don't run through pain.

Exercise is probably the healthiest weight control out there but running is tough on the body - if you can afford to, get a mountain bike - even used. Frederick has great roads - turn right at your front school entrance and pedal straight on that road all the way up into the heights of Mountaindale. If the knee is the possible issue but not currently hurting remember spin the pedals fast in low (easy) gears and make sure the seat is high enough so that on pedal downstroke your knee is almost straight. I guarantee a rush on the way back fast downhill after the hard uphill.

Also consider mixing it up with a martial art - plenty of exercise and you will have a better shot at self defense in pinch. Start by surveying places and seeing if they will let you train 2 or 3 times free in plain workout clothes at first. If they insist on immediate paid commitments or seem into mindgames however move on in a hurry.

I enjoy your blog and wish you well.

Amrita said...

sorry about your brother. I has to learn some basic lessons of life.

Take care in your new apt.

Good you have your finances taken care of.

Play it safe with the family.