Sunday, July 20, 2008

such a whore...

I started a new job with the DNC in the city. I like it, I guess. The work is a bitch, as is all campaign work, but the people are amazing. So amazing that I did the Lilith thing and made out with two of them at a bar we go to after work then went back to a different guy's place (met him at the bar, don't work with him). Yup. Whoops.

The thing is... I don't think it matters. I had fun. And I'm allowed to be young and dumb and reckless and all of those things EVERYONE says I'm too mature to be at the fine old age of 20.

And it kind of sucks because Florida Michael and I are sort of back together. But I also like both of the coworkers I made out with. One of them, I think, was a drunk make out on his part because I saw him the next day and he didnt even awknoledge me. But I haven't seen the other yet. And I think both are working tomorrow. So I guess we'll see.

I'm not going back to Hood, I decided. I'm taking the semester off to apply to other schools. I'm probably going to end up at NYU or the New School or worst comes to worst Montclair State or Slutgers. I'm kind of over the Western Maryland thing...


Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with Rutgers. It's certainly a whole hell of a lot cheaper than Hood or NYU.

College is more than a name, it's what you make out of the experience.

Amrita said...

You are enjoying this kind of a life? No way