Monday, July 21, 2008

and then the collapse...

Today wasn't nearly as painful as I thought it would be. The actual job today was not so hot, but I saw my virtual twin again and we went out after work (as per what is slowly becoming the norm...). 

As for my youthful indescresions of evening's past, that's all they were. No need to dwell on what I did. And to be honest, I don't even care. I did what I wanted and I'm damn pleased with myself. So put that by your dick and suck it. As for two members of the scrappy group known as GCI NYC '08, one aparently quit midday today and the other is up to his usual antics. So I guess all is good.

I feel so creatively vapid right now. Seriously, I'm listening to Miley Cyrus right now and it sucks. ((Is it bad that I  ADORE her song "7 things"?)) But I'm too blah to change it. And I can't write. Or read, for that matter. 

I did however, start a piece the other day. I'm not sure where I'm heading with it just yet, but I think it has the potential to evolve into something of substance. But I'm not sure.

All I want to do is sleep.

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