Thursday, January 8, 2009

waste my time...

Let me just say, legitimately, I'm dying. I've had my suspicions for a while, but now that it's official... I don't feel so bad. 10 years, said the Dr. maybe 15 if I'm lucky. I'm hoping for 20.

10 to 15 isn't enough time to accomplish what I want to. But I'm going to be a trooper and deal with it.

Firstly, I'm going to do this crazy diet the Dr put me on. It's super healthy (no white flour, no fish, no raw fruits or veggies, no booze- or at least only red wine- no cigarettes, no liquids except water). LAMETARD. That means no sushi. But, I'm going to be a trooper. As I write this, I'm eating oatmeal made with water and a little bit of brown sugar sprinkled on top. It's pretty yum, I'm just not a fan of the texture.

This diet thing is supposed to make my body super efficient so the meds can do their job and my immune system can work better.

I'm going to rock this. I'm kinda awesome like that. Obvs.

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