Tuesday, May 20, 2008

what needs to happen in the next 40 days...

I leave for LTC at Ft.Knox exactly 40 days from now... I'm scared shitless. Not of the whole joining the army thing, but of the being ready thing. I'm scared I can't cut it. I'm in the best shape of my life, but I know it's not enough to set myself apart from the crowd. And that sucks. I just am going to have to kick my ass till I leave.

I also need to get my other tattoo before I leave. Preferably over the next few days... I want it to be at least on the way to being healed when I get down there. And I'm not sure how long I'm going to need to sit for it so the sooner I get it done, the better. I'm getting the dragonfly with QMNMD as the body and the recovery symbol in the wings with greyscale flames around the symbol. I'm stoked. I'm thinking its going to go between my sholderblades so it will only be visable when I want it to be. But it means a lot to me so I'm ok with it showing.

My grades from this semester weren't too hot. Actually, they sucked. I pulled a C in American Novel. I mean, that's to be expected. I didn't put in any work in the course, except for what I absolutely had to and I hardly went. Bio was a D+ which is the highest I think I've ever gotten in a lab science. Pathetic, no? I guess it just reaffirms that science isn't my thing. I managed to pull As in Polisci Methods and 9/11 Politics. That's to be expected though, methodology makes sense to me and so does terrorism/militaristic studies. Foreign Policy ended up to be a B-, which isn't horrible but still is nowhere near where I should be in a class like that. Oh well. Everyone messes up once and a while. I just have to make sure to keep academics as my first priority next semester. 

The parents are still not on board with ROTC. Mom is less opposed, I think. I told her I'm not making my decision with the contract till a few weeks after LTC. I know she's scared but still. My dad is absolutely freaked out. Oh well. I never asked for their support... 

1 comment:

Amrita said...

Go head Lilith. The discipline and structure will do you a lot of good.

Keep blogging tho