Tuesday, May 13, 2008

non- photo blue

Here's the deal-

*I joined Army ROTC. Yup, chica's gone hooah. I'm not doing it to spite anyone and I realize the commitment. I realize that I could be sent to fight in Iraq (a conflict I don't really agree with at all) and that not going, if ordered, is NOT on option. I realize it's going to be the hardest thing I have yet to go through. But, despite all of that, I still am doing it. It's a great opportunity for me, not only to have to rest of college paid for, but to learn leadership skills that will carry me through life. But more importantly, it's a chance for me to be part of something so much bigger than myself. It's cool if you don't agree with me doing this, I never asked you to support me. Just realize, this is the first decision in a really long time that I'm really proud of.

*I learned a lot about myself this semester. I'm not perfect. I'm not as tough as I'd like to be... but I'm also not as broken as everyone thinks I am. And I'm going to be ok, I swear.

*You asked me a while back if I believed in happiness and I told you no. I lied. I really do believe in happiness, just not one found through external means. I'm gonna be happy one day, but I'm going to be happy on my own terms. You're welcome to join me... but it's ok if you don't. I'm still never going to forget you.

Sooo... that's the deal. I leave for Leader's Training Camp (basically ROTC basic training) on 30 June and I'm there till 27 July. Find me before or after... or I'll just see you kiddies in August


Amrita said...

Kudos to you.
You are a brave gal!

Alice Kildaire said...

well damn! I certainly didn't see that one coming! I go off into my winter hibernation and come back to find the world as flipped upside down, lol.

Good for you! That's one helluva a ballsy move. I wish you the best and will keep my fingers crossed for you!