Wednesday, January 30, 2008

let's just blame history...

I really... I don't know. Do you ever get this feeling that everyone else is miles removed from you? Because I guess that's kind of where I am right now. Everyone here is either decades behind me academically and maturity-wise or centuries in front of me. It's like I'm in some sort of weird limbo. And I don't like it. For once I would just kill to be generic. Just for a day, I'd love to not care about the Presidential race or be able to differentiate between early and mid 18th-century American literature. I'd love to wake up, be able to throw on a hoodie, jeans and flipflops and go to class like that. Seriously. That'd rock.

I think my English professor thinks I'm insane. Erin and I basically sit in the back row and make snide remarks the entire time and occasionally say something of substance. I'm sorry. But some people in that class really piss me off. The three adult students sit together and nearly every sentence out of their mouths begins with "I think I can relate to this because when I was your age..." to which, I roll my eyes and pretend to stick a gun in my mouth. Then they need to ask what a foil is or to once again define the very obvious ways the piece we're reading can be classified as a cautionary tale, perfectly set to be the next Lifetime Saturday night movie. And it's not like I'm bored in the class. It's just mundane. I feel like I've sat through so many of the same lectures on the same overall sentiment from the same piece that I have to be going insane.
It really isn't my fault that I'm then spurred to write my daily one page paper on topics of my amusement, not a character or plot analysis that I could do in my sleep. So my one page paper topic turned into that of "male impropriety and the assumption of the female gender as a mere vessel for the undertaking of carnal desire" as shown through the piece we're reading. Much more fun now, no? At least my professor seemed to appreciate it. She used it in every bloody example today on how to write a one page paper. So either that, or chica can write...

I'm more than slightly bummed Edwards dropped out of the race. Basically, I think my worst fears of Obama sweeping the Super Tuesday states is going to happen. And then I'm going to cry and be utterly depressed, almost inconsolable and feel like I've wasted a year of my life. Again.

Yup. That's exactly what's going to happen.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn't have to be this way.