Monday, February 4, 2008

VOTE for HILLARY!!!!!!!!!!

Please. Everyone. Vote for Hillary Clinton tomorrow.

Tested. Ready. Hillary.

Why am I voting for Hillary? Well...
-Sen. Hillary Clinton's plan for shared prosperity will help strengthen the middle class and make sure no American is struggling to keep their family afloat. A strong middle class is a strong America.
-When she was in the White House, Hillary pushed the Republican Congress to fully authorize S-CHIP- the State Children's Health Insurance Plan- that gives affordable healthcare services to ANY child in our nation who's parents for whatever reason cannot provide it for them.
-Hillary believes that women's rights are human rights. She's been a steadfast advocate for full global equality for women, from equal pay and shattering the glass ceiling to protecting Roe V Wade and making sure Plan B is available over the counter, Sen. Clinton trusts women to make decisions on their own terms.
-Hillary is the only candidate who understands the struggle our troops are dealing with in Iraq. It's time to bring them home. With Sen. Clinton's plan of phased withdrawal, every single American servicemember will be back home safe within 10 months.

And aside from that... it'd be so cool to finally be able to say Madam President (and not have it be one of the chants we use at rallies to get the crowd pumped).

So if you live in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee or Utah and are registered to vote, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure you get out there and vote tomorrow for Hillary Clinton.

It's not just a vote, its your life.

1 comment:

Amrita said...

good you voted for Hillary...she won didn 't she?

Madam Prez sounds good.