Thursday, July 12, 2007

joseph's technicolor turncoat

Yeah so I was right. It was BRD yesterday. I think we did well, I mean...from what I saw we had everything on the checklist covered. The one thing I'm not so sure about though is my answer to one of the policy questions. I mispronounced the last name of our state's executive director. Hopefully we won't have points cut for that though...I really want to win this.

(I'm wayyy too competitive)

So I get home last night and Juan, a NYT reporter who I made the mistake of becoming friends with a while back, asked me to comment on the control EMILY's list had over Stender's race last cycle. I did, but only after getting his unequoivical assurance that everything I said would be off the record. And now I feel like the biggest weenie ever. I feel like I've committed fratricide or campaignfamilycide. But...what EMILY's list did just wasn't right and I feel it cost us a lot of early support. Let's just assume Juan is going to keep his word and leave everything off the record, then maybe...maybe some good will come out of it.

My sholder feels like...I dont even know. Bad. I thought it'd be fun to work on my handstands earlier and my Dad accidently opened the door right into my upside-down self. Whoops. Whatever...I'm young and completly unbreakable.


Amrita said...

Yipee for BRD

don 't worry J is a good guy.he 'll keep it off record.

Sorry about your shoulder. I know what pain is, been a rheumatoid arthritis sufferer.

Have you seen Unbreakable starring Bruce Willis? Wish we were like that.

Amrita said...

BTW I like the title of your post. actually his brothers were turncoats weren 't they...he saved their lives. I am reading a book by Rabbi Pesach Krauss. i 've got Kushner but I haven 't read it yet.
i 've read Viktor Frankle