in religion class the other day i was still pretty drunk from the night before. the class is dull and usually i would sit counting the minutes until i could leave and drag my pathetic self back into seclusion from the world. but, i get deathly honest when i'm drunk. and i came to a bunch of realizations about myself and subsequently, my interactions with humanity.
- i'm jelous of anna nicole smith.
- i envy anorexics and try to force them out of recovery.
- people can't live with me.
- i know i'm at a higher risk for alchohalisim but i drink anyways. alot.
- i'm an attention whore.
- i'm always seeking that moment of satisfaction but i have no idea what true satisfaction is.
- i'm vain.
- i hate cigarettes but i think they not only make me look like i don't care but also help me play into the "damaged" label.
- i love being steryotyped.
- i love throwing up.
- i love being completly empty.
- i act a lot dumber then i really am.
- i refuse to ask for help.
- i'm afraid to be normal.
- i obsess.
- i constantly feel like i'm spinning really fast and i cant stop but i don't really want to.

<--c'est moi.
till later.
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