Monday, February 26, 2007

i hate my sleeping pills

pssh sleeping pills. oh how you test me. i took only ONE of you at midnight last night thinking that i might actually get a few hours of blissful, uninterrupted sleep. not so much. you didnt kick in untill 3am. and its....11:42 p.m. now and you still havent left my system. as a result of you hating me so much...i fell asleep in religion, slept through music and started nodding off in terrorisim & justice today. and lets not forget the hour nap that turned into a 5-hour snoozefest. YOU SUCK SLEEPING PILLS!!!

<-- Doxepin...the DEVIL.
now...not only am i extremly groggy still but i also have to finish questions for international relations and create a primer on college dems for our new advisor. blah. all i want to do is sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

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